Monday, June 6, 2011

Homeless State Of Mind

When you think of the word "homeless" what comes to mind? Now picture what you think it looks like, how would you describe it? Most think homeless means sleeping on benches, living under bridges, and standing on corners with signs begging for money. That in fact is a stereotype, not everyone who is homeless sleeps on benches and begs for money. A person could be staying with a friend or relative, living in a shelter or transitional housing, or sleeping in a car. There are many stages of homelessness. People you may see out and about may look like they have it all together, when in all reality they could be homeless. Not all homeless people look "homeless" some wear suits, scrubs, uniforms, etc. Homeless doesn't discriminate against race, age, gender, or religion. I can honestly say that i've never slept under a bridge, but as a child my siblings and I were homeless for a long period of time. Bouncing back and forth from family member to family member. Shelter to shelter, and even sleeping in the car. As a child i never knew that the way we lived was considered "chronically homeless" i just thought we moved a lot. Not knowing when you're gonna have your next meal or shower, or where you will sleep at night can really take a toll on a person.There are certain needs humans must have met and it all falls under "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs". The first set of needs is "Physical Needs" (oxygen, water, food, elimination, rest) Second is "Safety & Security Needs" (shelter,clothing, protection from harm, stability) These first two needs are the main ones that everyday people struggle to meet and is the main keypoint behind homelessness. You could have shelter, but not protection from harm, stability, rest, and water in which you'd have to make the decision to either stay and try to maintain the circumstances or try to pull  an option out of the sky. I encourage you to really know your facts when it comes to this sensitive matter. Those on the outside looking in hasn't a clue to what it really feels like to be homeless regardless of the stage in homeless they are in. I plan to give you an inside look into the everyday life of a single mother who is homeless. I was very undecided as to whether i would publish this blog about myself and what im dealing with. I'm a woman of God and i have no shame in the circumstances that he's lead me to. God has a purpose for me, and the reason why he hasnt changed my situation is because he's too busy changing me. I encourage any further comments and opinions any of my viewers may have. I want to spread the word and knowledge about this serious and troubling matter. You have now entered "homelessNbeyond"

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